Juliet Carp has been elected Chair of ELA, the 6,000 strong UK Employment Lawyers Association.
A passionate and thoughtful commentator on employment law, particularly on mobility, Brexit and equality, Juliet is author of the leading textbook, “Drafting Employment Documents for Expatriates”.
Juliet says ‘I became an employment lawyer because I believe in equality – and it is great to have this opportunity to make a difference’.
‘ELA is a wonderful organisation. Members with employer, employee and union perspectives work together to contribute positively to the lives of ordinary working people by providing informed a-political commentary on UK employment law, and quietly offering time to pro bono work. I have never been part of an organisation quite like it – so many people give so much time to help others, and they do it so well. The Brexit period will be challenging for the UK and ELA members will play their part.‘