
As a leading international law firm and as a firm of regulated professionals, we are committed to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics and integrity. We are committed to conducting our business in a lawful manner and this includes engaging with our suppliers to ensure that they share our high standards.

This statement is published on behalf of Keystone Law Group PLC (and those companies within the Keystone Law Network, namely Keystone Law Limited, Keystone Law (Isle of Man) Limited and Keypoint Law Pty Limited). References to “we”, “us”, “our”, “Keystone Law” or the “firm” are to all companies in our network. For further information about our business, including how we are regulated, see Legal Notices. This statement has been approved by Keystone Law Group PLC’s board on 18 June 2024.

Supply chain relationships

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 defines modern slavery as “slavery, servitude, and forced or compulsory labour” as well as “human trafficking” (“Modern Slavery”). Keystone opposes all forms of Modern Slavery, and we have not identified any examples of Modern Slavery within our business or supply chains supporting the services we provide to our clients. Our suppliers are generally local, although some are part of national or global businesses. We foster long-term relationships with suppliers and avoid making demands of suppliers that might lead to them violating human rights. We are not aware of any suppliers, or other contracted workers attending to matters at our offices, paying their personnel a salary not equivalent to the London Living Wage or an equivalent living wage pursuant to the region where that office is based. We identify risks to workers in our supply chain, carrying out due diligence before we engage suppliers and throughout the relationship. We are committed to buying quality products and services from ethical suppliers and require our suppliers to engage in accordance with our Additional Terms of Purchase.


We promote ethical values and behaviour within our business and our supply chains, and our Anti-Slavery Policy reflects a commitment to conduct all business relationships with ethical principles. In accordance with our Whistleblowing Policy, we encourage and empower all our colleagues to be vigilant and immediately to report any concerns they might have in this respect.


We have a training programme for our senior management and office management teams, as well as those of our employees who have responsibilities in relation to engaging the firm’s suppliers. A copy of our Anti-Slavery Policy is made available to all new joiners to Keystone. Our aim is continually to raise awareness of the issues and increase informed scrutiny.

William Robins
Company Secretary to Keystone Law Group PLC
Director of Operations and Compliance, Keystone Law Limited