Sarah is a licensing and hospitality expert with over 13 years’ experience advising businesses and individuals on all aspects of licensing law, licensing strategy and the impact of insolvency upon licensed premises.

She has particular expertise in contentious licensing applications and has repeatedly obtained new premises licences and extended hours within challenging Cumulative Impact Zones across the UK, including premises licences for large-scale developments within central London.

Throughout her career, Sarah has developed relationships with many of the statutory authorities which often results in expedited and pragmatic solutions to allow licences to be granted. Where a hearing becomes necessary, she represents clients at hearings before Licensing Sub-Committees across the country.

Sarah represents a wide range of clients including national pub and restaurant operators, hotels, entertainment and live music venues, nightclubs, café chains, landlords and developers.

  • Sarah makes the complex world of licensing very simple, and both her and her team are excellent. Diligent, communicative and supremely knowledgeable.

    Mick Hill – Building Development Manager, Mitchells and Butlers PLC

  • Licensing law
  • New premises licence applications
  • Full and minor variations of licences
  • Temporary Event Notices
  • Changes of Designated Premises Supervisor
  • Licensing reviews and summary reviews
  • Licensing appeals
  • Closure Orders
  • Sexual Entertainment Venues
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Operating policies and procedures
  • Licensing training
  • Advising on insolvency relating to licensed premises
  • Advising on leases and contracts
  • Due diligence exercises and licensing strategy