Keystone Law is committed to providing a high-quality legal service to all our clients. When something goes wrong, we need to address the problem and your concerns. This will help us to improve our standards.

This policy sets out how we deal with formal complaints. If you feel your concerns might be better addressed by speaking with the members of the firm acting for you, then you should contact them first, please note that doing so is not raising a complaint. You can make use of this policy at any time and should you do so, it will not affect our instructions and the services we provide to you, though it may in some instances create a conflict of interest (as explained below).

Complaints may concern anything we have done or failed to do. This ranges from our advice, whether on matters of law or in connection with any financial services we have provided, to the quality of service we provide and what we have charged.

Once you have made a complaint we will respond in the manner set out in this Complaints Policy.

What should you do if you have a complaint?

If you have a complaint you should write to The Managing Director, Keystone Law, The Old Courthouse, Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1JD.

Your letter should set out the full details of your complaint, including what you feel went wrong and what remedy you seek. You should enclose all relevant correspondence or documentation to support your complaint. We recommend using recorded delivery when corresponding with us about a complaint. That way, you will know when we have received your complaint.

The Complaints Policy applies to all complaints, including complaints raised by parties who are not our client. If you wish to complain, but are not our client, you should note that client confidentiality and data protection rules may determine the nature of our response.

Complaints and conflicts of interest

As a regulated firm of advocates we must comply with our professional rules. These require us not to act where we may find ourselves in a position of a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest would arise in a situation where, on the one hand we have a duty to act in your best interests, and on the other hand our own interests (for example, in light of a complaint raised, it would require us to take a different approach).

This should in no way affect whether you choose to make a complaint. However, you should be aware that there are circumstances where, once you have made a complaint, we may no longer be able to act for you on the matter. In this case we would let you know and discuss with you how best to proceed, bearing in mind our overriding duty to comply with our professional rules.

What will happen once we have received your complaint?

1. We will send you a letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint within five clear working days of our receipt of the complaint, enclosing a copy of this Complaints Policy.

2. We will start to investigate your complaint. This will involve passing your complaint to an appropriate person in our Complaints Team, who will independently review your matter file and speak to the relevant individual(s), including those named in the complaint.

3. Where we believe a telephone conversation could assist in resolving the complaint, then, within eight working days of receiving your complaint, we will write to you to arrange a resolution telephone call.

4. Where we speak with you on the telephone and are unable to resolve your complaint by agreement or where we do not believe a resolution telephone conversation would be appropriate, then within eight weeks of receiving your complaint, we will write to you with our findings, which may include a suggested solution, where appropriate.

5. We will endeavour to provide our final determination letter within eight weeks of receiving your complaint to us.

6. Finally, please note that where it is reasonable to do so, we may increase some of the timescales detailed above. If this is the case, then we will inform you in writing and we shall provide a reasonable explanation as to why we have extended the time periods. Examples of such explanations include where you have multiple complaints that all need to be investigated, or where it takes longer than anticipated to contact an important witness whose evidence is necessary for our investigation.

In the event that you are not satisfied with the firm’s final determination letter, or if we do not resolve your complaint within eight weeks of your contacting us, then you can ask us to put the matter to the Isle of Man Law Society’s Conciliation Scheme. You can find full details of your rights and remedies over and above those set out in the Policy at:

The Conciliation Scheme affords both parties (Advocate and Client) the opportunity to discuss the complaint and hopefully agree a resolution. This process is voluntary for Advocates and free to complainants. This scheme is delivered on behalf of the Isle of Man Law Society by Ian Cochrane, who is engaged by the Society but independent of it. He is not, and has never been, a Manx Advocate. Please note that the Isle of Man Law Society cannot make a finding against an Advocate or award you compensation.

The Advocates Disciplinary Tribunal (ADT) may be able to help you if you are concerned about our behaviour, for example, if you are concerned about dishonesty, taking or losing money or being treated unfairly because of your age, a disability or another characteristic. If you wish to make a formal complaint about an Advocate’s conduct and where those concerns have not been satisfied by the Complaints procedure of this firm, then you must use the ADT. Click here to be taken to the ADT’s website which contains their Rules and Guidance.

If you are not a client, you may be able to make a complaint in certain circumstances, for example, where you have an indirect involvement in any matter we are handling for another person and you suffer a loss or other adverse consequences from any actions that we take for them.